Rice Noodles Soup.

Isnt that hard as I thought it was to prepare.
I am quite excited with learning how to cook some asian food. My mother in law just dropped by to teach me the first lesson, rice noodles soup (chicken). Sounds sooo yummy! Cant wait for it to be ready :)
Soon i will be going out to buy the rest of the stuff needed for the noodles. It will be perfect <3
And i will post a pic of the bow if everything turns out fine :p<3 mums

2010! Tidal waves of change coming...

Hello, and welcome to the year 2010! Hope whoever reads this journal had a stunning new year. My N.Y was okay, not the way I planned though, but it was fine (: . Didnt have time to write about the after-xmas here also. So this post is gonna be quite long.
Xmas & After-xmas: We had a meal for 2 on a very simple table I prepared at the last hour. Van put a swedish xmas song, we sat Isabella next to us on the table, then we ate, laughed at Isabella doing her faces & trying to talk something... such a damn smart little 9 months girl! :) Our table was quite simple because I was also sick. And we are just 2, anyways. Well, Van said he loved spending xmas with us, his family. And that the food was damn good :p
New Year we planned to go to a friends house. Everything was settled up, but in the last hours we just went to his parents house. Food was good too, just people are too noisy.. hate that -.- left there with a godly migraine. We arrived home, fixed the TV connection, played some Ultrastar and waited until it was midnight, so Isabella watched the fireworks from the window. It was so so. Nothing that you can compare with the ones from Brazil :P <3
2010 will be different for us.  I myself will start learning to cook some chinese/vietnamese food and hopefully more other stuff might come up. Van will help me more at home (Hes actually helping, which is amazing). We are planning for 2010 to get a 3:a, so Isabella can have her own room. Will be the hardest, but nothing is impossible (:
Wishlist for 2010
  1. A 3:a apartment, here in Bergsjön or maybe somewhere else (EXCEPT Biskopsgården, fyfan. Angered MAYBE, still prefer Bergsjön.)
  2. Getting CSN since I will start SASG (Svenska som andraspråk grund).
  3. My PUT, that needs to come out this year!
  4. My mother here in Göteborg <3
  5. Isabella's 1st birthday party with Hello Kitty theme.
  6. Some new home stuff, like a DVD/CD-möbler and other stuff from IKEA.
  7. Isabella doing fine on DAGIS and learning swedish and portuguese there :D
  8. Peace. Love. Luck. Health.
With love and wishes of a great 2010! :)

As I believe.

I wont be here tomorrow to blog about my oh so cool life.
God jul önskar vi er alla, god jul önskar vi er alla, god jul önskar vi er alla, och ett gott nytt år!


Brrr... too cold.

So, I was wondering why did I end up in Sweden, North Europe, where the temperature during winter invites you to stay at home drinking hot cocoa, watching tv/using the internet and full of clothes until its over.
Definitely it wasnt for the weather, much less for the food. How awkward are the things we do for love, eh? Almost 2 years ago I was sitting at this time on a restaurant chair, eating barbecue and brazilian food <3 and talking nonsense, laughing with the family. Id be going every saturday out, to eat pizza with friends. Yes, I miss it quite much. Freedom, freedom, freedom, no responsabilities, being mama's little baby, sleeping late and waking up late, my own money through my job (which actually I dont miss that much, pga my accident :s).
Time passes by really fast. Indeed, I am 25 years old. 1/4 of 100 years. Wrinkles and stuff are already preparing to come. Alot of responsabilities now that I have a 9 months baby girl that has decided to climb every single thing all the time, walking into the next step of evolution, stay still.


I have decided to blog again, after a long hiatus. My sister-in-law has introduced me to blogg.se and has just started blogging too, so why not follow the 'trend' and join the youngies? (:
Wanted to post just in swedish, but being the lazy person I am, I will basically post in english most of the time AND swedish when I feel like. Jokes apart, I am a busy mother and as Isabella takes almost my whole time, I gotta make things easier for me d:
Gonna give a shot about layouts and etc to my sister-in-laws friend, she seems to have quite the skill for it (: but that will come in some days maybe, gotta think and write down what exactly I want and how.
Now I will dig some and learn some stuff. cya (;

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